Chiropractic care for an unusual condition

This paper is a fascinating example of just how powerful a Chiropractic adjustment can be. When most people think of Chiropractic care they think it is good for neck and low back pain but not much else. Yes it is true we Chiropractors help people with musculo-skeletal pains very successfully, however Chiropractic care is about…

Chiropractor or self adjustment for back pain?

When I first meet someone and they find out I am a Chiropractor there is a response I sometimes get that I dread. “Oh you’re a Chiropractor? I have back pain so I adjust myself all the time.” Then they proceed to twist their spine or even worse grab their head and torque their neck…

Measles: a natural history

If you watch the news for any length of time, which you shouldn’t, the measles “epidemic” will surely come up. From what I can gather Mickey coughed in some kids sugar slam frozen delight with extra artificial food coloring, but natural flavoring, and now everyone west of the Mississippi will surely die of measles. OK…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects 1-5% of the population and is the most common disorder of the hands and wrists. The typical symptoms are numbness and tingling in the fingers along with weakness in the hands when trying to grip something. The symptoms tend to be worse at night when sleeping and waking up with numb…

A novel treatment for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disease affecting nearly 5 million Americans. It is characterized by widespread pain throughout the body with no specific cause. In addition to chronic pain, people who suffer with fibromyalgia also usually suffer with an inability to get restful sleep, depression and general exhaustion. There are no specific tests that can definitively…

Chiropractic care to manage ADHD

ADHD is currently the most common mental health disorder affecting children today. With the levels of diagnosis reaching epidemic proportions research on the cause and treatments for ADHD are at the highest levels they have ever been. Most of those studies focus on medications for treatment with the most common medication being stimulants like Ritalin. These…

Chiropractic care helps bladder control

Urinary incontinence, the fancy term for bladder control, is a frequent problem especially in the elderly. It is estimated nearly 50% of people in assisted living facilities suffer with this issue. There are many medical procedures to help these patients, from surgery to medications. The latest treatment is Botox to stop the muscles of the…

Can more time playing equal better grades?

If you wanted to increase students grades in basic subjects like math and English which would you choose. Adding more classroom time in those subjects or let the kids go outside and play? I know what you’re thinking. I need to spend more time in the classroom if I’m asking such a silly question. The…

School Backpack Safety

It’s that time of year, back to school! The kids will need new notebooks, pens, markers, erasers, and books. How will they carry those supplies around all day and to and from school? The most common choice is a backpack. The pack you choose for your child should have certain features and be used properly…