Chiropractic care for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disease affecting nearly 5 million Americans. It is characterized by widespread pain throughout the body with no specific cause. In addition to chronic pain, people who suffer with fibromyalgia also usually suffer with an inability to get restful sleep, depression and general exhaustion. There are no specific tests that can definitively…

The importance of supplementing with Vitamin D

As we all know we should be getting our Vitamin D naturally just by being in the outdoors. However there are two potential problems with relying on the natural process of being out in the sun to make sure we get enough vitamin D. The first being right now its just so cold out! Winter…

The importance of a quality probiotic supplement

For the last of the big three supplements everyone should be taking to enhance their health this week I’m covering probiotics. Probiotics are the healthy gut bacteria we should have in our digestive tract. They are found in foods like yogurt and should be in fermented foods like traditionally prepared sauerkraut or kimchi. The problem…

Breastfeeding isn’t natural?

Sometimes an article is published that just makes you scratch your head and wonder what were they thinking. This is one of those and is one that I can’t believe was actually published. The authors of this paper feel that it is dangerous to label breastfeeding as “natural” because it may (gasp!) actually cause people…

Chiropractic care for an unusual condition

This paper is a fascinating example of just how powerful a Chiropractic adjustment can be. When most people think of Chiropractic care they think it is good for neck and low back pain but not much else. Yes it is true we Chiropractors help people with musculo-skeletal pains very successfully, however Chiropractic care is about…

Measles: a natural history

If you watch the news for any length of time, which you shouldn’t, the measles “epidemic” will surely come up. From what I can gather Mickey coughed in some kids sugar slam frozen delight with extra artificial food coloring, but natural flavoring, and now everyone west of the Mississippi will surely die of measles. OK…